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Attendance Policy
Please agree and complete the form below for our Appointment Attendance Policy.
If parents/guardians leave during the session, you must take all siblings/friends with you and we ask you be back to the clinic 10 minutes before the end of the therapy appointment.
I Accept
Clean up is a very important time during the therapy session. It helps your child with the transition and teaches them the responsibility of the task. Therefore we start to clean up approximately 5-10 minutes before the end time of the session.
I Accept
Payment is due each month upon receiving your invoice. You can pay by cash, check or electronic payment via quick books. If your account becomes 30 days past due we may suspend services.
I Accept
Please turn your cell phones to vibrate during therapy sessions. Please do not take phone calls/texts/browse on the internet if you are attending your child’s therapy session. We understand there are emergencies and exceptions..
I Accept
To cancel an appointment, please give 24 hours notice. If we do not receive a 24 hour notice, a fee of $41.50 will be assessed. This is paid directly by the parent/guardian and never billed to county funding. To cancel an appointment, please email and/or text your therapist directly. We understand that illness and other factors may cause not to be able to give a 24 hour notice. We will review each case individually.
I Accept
We are unable to hold therapy appointments. If therapy appointments are cancelled two weeks in a row or frequently each month without good reason, you may be discharged from therapy.
I Accept
All of our therapy appointments are 60 minutes in length unless the therapist determines the child cannot tolerate an hour. If this is a concern for you please discuss in advance with your therapist.
I Accept
If you are participating in neurofeedback your time is a neurofeedback treatment time. If you wish to participate in other therapies at the clinic you will be given other choices of times and days..
I Accept
I have reviewed the information above and understand the information presented..
I Accept
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Last Name